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Experimentation with scultpure


After finishing my large sculptural test piece, I wasn't satisfied with the results. Therefore I decided to experiment with moving it around and holding in different positions in order to see if this would change the connotations of it. I liked the above image as it suggests the lightweight of the sculpture as it is empty whilst the dark forms still suggests a sense of weight and presence. Though this is just a test image I feel finding a way to suspend it could develop it.


I experimented more with photographing a friend holding the sculpture in different positions to test how it would look at different angles and how it could be contrasted from the static sitting position which it had previously. I feel that this added to the visual appearance of the sculpture but felt more so that the human interaction with it was interesting.

Having reassessed this piece I find myself continually unnerved by the shape, form and colour, as it is incomprehensible. It is a form which is difficult to view as has a combination of straight angles and hints at a geometric pattern from the underlying chicken wire, whilst some edges are smooth and pillow like. Furthermore the colour is oppressive and unnatural as the metalized affect takes away conations of the natural work and crosses the boundary to the man made and industrial.

Though I am unsure as of yet as to how I will develop this even further, I am beginning to see more success in this piece. I find the looming heavy black form unnerving yet interesting and the way it hint at something natural and the form of the spiritual cairns yet presents them in a distinctly man made and vulgar way, and perhaps, this could be a sickly metaphor for how in contemporary society we have begun to live as we photograph and commodity natural beauties to become fixed and disposable much like this sculpture.


Hollie Childe art blog. Proudly created with 

Lancaster universiry fine art student

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