As a starting point of getting back into the studios after the chrismtmas break, I have begun by sketching and doodling patterns. These patterns are inspired by salt patterns and water marks seen on rocks during my time exploring the Cornish coastline during my Christmas break.

Having looked back at my previous work I had also found that pattern had been a key part of my process and therefore will be integeral to my process of working for this term. This will not only serve as a aesthetic quality but as a theorectical idea which I want to explore which stems from a interest in a idea put forward by Victor Papanek....
"The order and delight we find in frost in flowers on a window pane, in the hexagonal perfection of a honeycomb, in leaves, or in the architecture of a rose, relfect man's preoccupation with pattern, the constant attempt to understand an ever-changing, highly complex existence by imposing order on it- but these things are not the product of design. They posses only the order we ascrbie to them. The reason we enjoy things in nature is that we see an economy of means, simplicity, elegance and an essential tightness in them." Victor Papanek- A definition of Design and the function complex.