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Pattern development & Sol Lewitt wall drawings

I have continued in my sketchbook and working on larger scale to draw observations of patterns caused by salt marks or salt errosion. I have done this as a process of documentation and cataloguing the patterns which have inspired me and to study them before I can attempt to repurpose them into scultpural forms or ways of enbedding pattern into sculptural forms.


After drawing on a small scale in my sketch book, I've been experimenting with line drawings on A2 paper. I wanted to test if these drawings had potiental for this drawing method to be transferred onto sculptural forms or into larger scale drawings. I am currently unsure of the answer to this question, however I have found them interesting to draw. I have also had feedback that they look as if they could be digitally manipulated images of sound waves. I found this comparison interesting, as it again blurred the boundaries between the natural and man made.


I had also had feedback during another conversation with cuator Richard Parry regarding my work that these drawings could be interesting if they were to cover a whole wall. For inspiration for this, I was directed to an artist call Sol Lewitt. He creates wall drawings which extend to cover whole rooms. I find his monochrome drawings particullarly interesting and the way they almost create visual illusions.


It had also taken me back to my origional inspiration for these drawings of the organic salt patterns on the rockfaces of the cornwall coast line.



Hollie Childe art blog. Proudly created with 

Lancaster universiry fine art student

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