Having tested drawing and observing salt patterns I decided to experiement with forming my own salt crytals. I achieved the above effects by splashing a salt water solution onto a wooden board painted with black board paint and then gently tilting the board to move the water around which has created different areas of salt and a range of patterns once dried. I found this fascinating and intend to test this further using different salt crystals and different concentrations of the solution.

From doing the above process I was accidently was able to grow these crystals from having poured some of the salt water on top of some PVA glue which was in a glass dish. Having left this over night these large star like crystals had formed. I found this extremely interesting and intend to test ways to recreate this affect.
I however have begun by trying this as a setting agent to make delicate sculptures using tissue paper. This was done by mixing salt, water and PVA together and then coating thin white tissue in the solution with the intention that that PVA would set the paper into a solid form while the salt would form a crystalised pattern on the paper surface.
This shows my first attempt at doing this however I was not satisfied with the shape which was created.

I then also tried laying the paper and solution over natural objects such as rocks and branches to see how this could create a patterned surface texture and play with the connotations of the objects. Though I found that the pattern which was created by the salt was very interesting I didn't find the paper to be affective as it did not translate as something other than just a paper wrapping.