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Sketch books: recording patterns

I have been using a small sketch book for recording my ideas and pattern testing. This has been really helpful as a tool to give myself some mind space from my sculptural work as I draw these patterns almost automously. I begin with one singluar line drawn randomly and I then build up from this untill my patterns fill the pages.


This is a colour test I did using bright and artifical colours to test the idea of using colour in my sculptures. Though I feel the colour could be interesting in sculptural form, I deemed it unsucessful for drawing for looking too much like a 60's pattern! I feel the monochramtic drawings are much more efffective.


In my book I have also been drawing more natural patterns and objects because I want to remember the basis of my ideas and I feel that by drawing these they can inform different ideas.


Time lapse of a pattern test:


Hollie Childe art blog. Proudly created with 

Lancaster universiry fine art student

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