To document my thoughts and dig deeper into my thoughts about the natural and the manmade I had been making word lists in my sketchbooks. I had thought of these as part of a private thought process however I had been inspired to test whether these could hve potiental to be developed in some way through larger drawing works or through sound or performance.
Having had a visiting lecture by artist Patrick Coyle I was further inspired as his performative works using language demonstrated the power of language as a medium. On particular I was inspired by his performance of One second delay, a project he undertook about the jubile line of the London underground. This lecture inspired me to create this new word list directly at the end of his lecture. From this I was thinking how I could read this to perform it or develop it further. I however decided to use a artifical reader software called natural speaker.

The natural speaker allows you to choose from a range of artifically generated human emotions for the text reading. I found this really interesting to further the ideas which drive many of my thoughts about the artifical and falseness of our experiences of nature which inform my artworks. I also felt if I was to simply read these words like a poem, that would come to close to a long legacy of artist poetry about nature and the landscape, for example the romantists. Therefore I felt I wanted to distrup this by using a unnerving mechanical voice to read my words.
Click below to play- Word list read by 'Charles in a whisper':